I just completed a new setup. For some weird reason, WLED keeps resetting between 19 and 20 minutes of uptime. It doesn't matter if it's in the on or off state. It's done this at least 5 times now.
It's powered by a 1A phone charger. I measured 5.03V on the connectors on the controller.
The LED strips are 12V BTF WS2811 96 leds/m, powered by 40A PSU.
DAT1 has 285 sections connected (855 leds in total)
DAT2 has 323 sections connected (969 leds in total)
CLK2 is connected to the relay.
I posted this on reddit as well. It seems hubitat was the culprit. I had to disable bonjour in hubitat and also disable mDNS in WLED. No more reboots!